Geeky Lorraine

Thoughts: First of all, points to the author for the trigger message at the start. There’s a number of triggers, and the author warns of them, and provides a link to read the full extent. ⠀

This book is full of twists and turns. You’ve got to be paying attention to everything to keep up, since the main antagonist can change his appearance seemingly at will, so the person at the beginning of the paragraph could be completely different to the person at the end. Yeah, keep up with that one! ⠀

I’ll be honest, I started this book thinking I was going to hate it. Almost put it down about a quarter of the way in, but stuck with it. There are some things that left a little to be desired. At one point, a character is sniffing books and it is described as “his buttocks rippled with happiness.” It’s a 12 year old boy, not a puppy. ⠀

But, I really enjoyed the actual plot and story, occasionally interesting descriptions aside. The world is one of sorcerers existing for millennia, but not being accepted. It was a fun world to read, and one I’d be interested in reading more. There’s definitely more of it come too. The whole book is told from the point of view of a 12 year old, remembering her past experiences. Based on how it ends, and the way the story is told, there’s more to this than meets the eye (as there was with everything in this book). ⠀


Miss Bohemia


Lacy Ace